Fangoria 2007 – They’re Coming

We gave in to our inner geek, and themed this show on sci-fi. Managed to transport large groups of people from a small kitchen, into a large alien space craft. Then mess with them for a bit. Electric shocks were involved.


Here’s the invite:


Photos of the show:


A bit of behind the scenes magic:



Production photos:



View photos of the Party.


And the Boober real…

Fangoria 2006 – SOU NOS


Become initiated into this surreal club. We managed to engineer some special helmets which no only allowed people to see strange symbols in the pitch dark but swap the vision of the two people wearing the helmets, making walking down a simple corridor quite a strange and difficult experience. This one didn’t turn out to be quite so much fun as other shows, but what the hell, we enjoyed ourselves.


Here’s the invite (which we built a camera crane for):


and a few photos:

Here’s some more photos of the show, some production photos and some from the party.


Fangoria 2003 – Just Some Scary Stuff

Our humble beginnings. Sometimes you just need a drill with a chunk of metal jammed in the chuck, in a metal box, rigged to a switch…. and you’re done. We also had a dead body dummy hanging from a ceiling and a thrilling finale involving a bucket and a skull, this video doesn’t quite show it up. People screamed and laughed, which all you can ask for really.