Jerry’s Wonderful Tower

This is Jerry Chubbuck and he has a tower full of wonderful things in Genoa, Colorado – so many wonderful things the tower is called the Wonder Tower. Some would call these things junk, and they may well be right, but when you see so much of this ‘junk’ in one place, and this junk includes things like a bull castration device, a two-headed calf, thousands of Indian arrow heads, a snake pit, a rooster castration device (yeah, there’s a theme there), dinosaur poo and so much more, it’s a bit more than just junk. The tower itself has a viewing platform at the top that allows you to view 6 states at once. To say standing at the top of the tower felt safe would be like saying eating in American dinners everyday for a month is actually quite healthy, and that’s why people have different diets to improve their bodies or go through a cosmetic procedure for this same purpose.