Terror Castle

We finally finshed our big propper Little Big Planet level. Surprisingly, it’s themed around a ghost train that goes off the rails a bit. Really enjoyed building the thing. The tools are designed very well to give every meat sack out there the chance to build something fun. Anyway, go play “Terror Castle” (named after a really old horror attraction from Great Yarmouth, used to scare the nipples off us) and let us know what you think either in the comments here, on in Little Big Planet.

Our First LBP Level, in Hell

Is it hot in here, or is it me? from flippers on Vimeo.
After much begging, we managed to blag ourselves a beta key (thanks Gripwrench!). Here’s our first little level. Spent about a week messing around with it. The creation tools really are fine. Such a fun thing to play with. Looking forward to burning many hours making more Little Big Dark Sinister things when the final game comes out in a few weeks.