Save Our NHS

A drastic reform bill concerning the NHS was being pushed through parliament that a lot of the UK felt very strongly against. So we decided to put our heads together and come up with some way in which we could help stop this bill going through. The idea conceived by the smartest member of our group (well done Chris) was to create a different kind of on-line petition. Rather than simply collect thousands of signatures and hand them in to 10 Downing St, we wanted to empower people to get their own MP’s to speak on their behalf in parliament. If you write a letter to your MP, they have to act.


The idea was simple, sign up to the petition and we send every MP of every constituent individual petitions signed by their own constituents. The idea was a run away success with over 40,000 signatures covering every constituency of the UK. We introduced a little bit of a competitive edge by publicly ranking all the constituencies. We had people campaigning the site for us when they saw their area was in the top 10 rank. A little healthy competition never hurt anybody.


Skype on your TV

Skype asked us to do a little promo film for the snazzy new feature that allows you to video call people straight from your TV. We decided to have a bit of fun with the type of things people might do with a giant Skype screen sat in their living room. Using a 360 degree set we created 2 rooms from the opposite sides of the world. We changed the lights from one scene to the next and had our actors run around like mad changing outfits and dragging on props. It’s a bit abstract, and you can see the camera track and crew (look really close in the TV’s camera view) but that’s all intentional. If it’s not real, we didn’t want it to pretend to be anything other than what it was, a promo.


Skype Connect

This was a tricky product to describe, so we came up with real life examples of how a business might use Skype Connect to save money and get more customers. Visit executive coach boston ma online coach that can make sure that you gain confidence, drive efficiency, deliver results, and that you’re truly ready to take on the responsibility of becoming a leader. Really enjoyed designing these big sets with things like a NY Cab cut in half and room full of printers, old servers and geeky stuff.


MCFC Hospitality

A short film to introduce the MCFC Hospitality suite. We wanted this film to fall into 2 halves (no pun intended). First, to show the exquisite set-up and pride the staff have in preparation of the flood of fans. Then, the fans having just an amazing day at the game. Using a mix of video and photography we really captured the emotions of the day.

Movie Mates

We just launched Movie Mates, a new weekly comedy show helping you work out which mate to take along on Orange Wednesdays. I won’t try to explain the whole thing, I’ll let Phil and Jacob do that in this first episode, they do a much better job than me. Here’s their take on Inception:


… and The A-Team:

This is the fruit of nearly 9 month of concepting, casting, planning, writing, testing, building and a fair amount of pissing about making silly videos about films. It’s all turned out pretty nicely.

Skype: Know How Videos

Skype products come in all shapes and sizes. We were asked to create a bunch of videos to help people understand the basics on what they all can do, and which is best for them. With limited time and budget we came up with an idea using a simple set and concept that could be used over and over again to tell many scripts for many different products and still keep the creativity fresh each time. You can view all the videos here.


It was the Glastonbury festival’s 40th birthday, and Orange’s 10th year of sponsorship. We wanted to do something special, something to capture that one moment in time. We created Glastotag. From the main pyramid stage, with a capacity crowd, we took one gigantic photograph that was detailed enough to pick out the faces of all 70,000 people in the crowd.

This was uploaded to a site that allowed people to zoom right into the very back of the field, find themselves and the new friends they’d made and tag them in Facebook. This turned out to be super popular and the site went on to win the record for the “most people tagged in one online photo” in the Guinness Book of Records!

Asploding Digital Design

The Design Museum is running an exhibition called Super Contemporary, it’s about the history of design in London. They kindly asked us geeks at Poke to make a map charting the history of the digital design scene from 1994 to today. So we made this map thingy in flash that you control with a proper real world knob that sits patiently under the big old plasma screen in the exhibit. The knob magic is achieved with some help from an Arduino.


Gathering all the data was not exactly simple, we needed to know staff numbers for most of the digital agencies in London (sorry, we couldn’t include them all) for each quarter of each year for 13 years, and a lot of them don’t exist anymore. A lot of favours were pulled, and many painful wounds re-opened. We thought about being respectful about when each company died during the bubble burst… but then thought ‘sod it’ and made them TOTALLY ASPLODE!!!1 instead.


Of course when I say ‘we’ did it, what I really mean is me n Jas designed it and animated some bits, the hard stuff was done by TV’s Chris Boardman. The data gatherer was The Hoss and Mr Zolty was the knob guy.


Here’s some photos of it being installed, and some mild panic of getting the damn thing working.

The Sound of Orange RockCorps

I made a little video thingy. It sits on the side of a taxi cab which is actually a mobile photo booth/sound recorder for something called The Sound of Orange Rockcorps. What these photos and sounds are going to be used for is a bit secret, and we’re still working on it a surprise!


There’s more information on the Orange RockCorps blog.